Testosterone replacement therapy has emerged as a popular treatment for men struggling with low T level or hypogonadism. While this treatment offers numerous benefits, a concern has arisen regarding its potential impact on blood pressure level.

Today, in this blog post, we are going to delve deep into the benefits and address a critical question: “Does TRT increase blood pressure?” Well, according to a study, TRT does not lead to increased blood pressure, even may improve cardiovascular health. However, some individuals undergoing this treatment may experience a gradual rise in blood pressure level. 

Therefore, it is crucial to monitor the blood pressure level as it is directly linked to heart diseases. High blood pressure not only increases the risk of heart attacks but also causes irreversible damages to the brain, kidneys and eyes.

Whether you are planning to undergo TRT for men, read this blog carefully. Here we provide essential insights on how to maintain optimal blood pressure levels (120/80 mmHg).

What is TRT? 

Testosterone Replacement Therapy or TRT has gained immense popularity among men experiencing low testosterone levels. Testosterone plays a crucial role in men, like muscle maintenance, libido regulation etc.

TRT for men is typically prescribed for individuals suffering from symptoms, like: 

  • Fatigue
  • Low libido
  • Reduced muscle mass
  • Mood swing etc.

Before opting for this treatment, it is essential to undergo the careful supervision of licensed healthier practitioners. The treatment method includes: gels, injections, patches and implants to restore the body’s testosterone to a healthy level. In our previous TRT blog, we have discussed the details of this treatment, its benefits, process and more.

What Is The Relationship Between TRT and Blood Pressure?

There is a common concern regarding Testosterone replacement therapy is its potential impact on blood pressure. Some studies suggest that TRT treatment might lead to a slight increase in blood pressure, but overcall, the evidence remains inconclusive. So, it is crucial for individuals undergoing TRT to regularly monitor their blood pressure levels and discuss your queries with the healthcare providers.

The relationship between blood pressure and testosterone level is intricate. Some research indicates that testosterone therapy could potentially lower blood pressure and improve male’s cardiovascular health. Other studies show that it may increase blood pressure and lower the levels of beneficial HDL cholesterol.

Sometimes, excessive use of testosterone supplements can increase arterial blood pressure and cause left ventricular hypertrophy. However, when administered TRT injections, it is unlikely to significantly raise blood pressure for most men, although there is a small risk.

Survey says that a potential inverse correlation between low T and high blood pressure, particularly among older men where declining testosterone levels may contribute to age-related Hypertension.

For some individuals, TRT may help to normalize the body’s blood pressure level. Therefore, it is essential to carefully consider its impact on heart health and blood pressure.

Latest Study on TRT for Men and Heart Risks

Recent research into Testosterone Replacement Therapy and its impact on heart health provides some encouraging findings. A pivotal clinical trial in 2018, followed over 5,000 men with low T and existing heart disease risk factors. 

After nearly two years of treatment, the study revealed no significant difference in rates of cardiovascular events such as strokes, heart attacks between those receiving TRT and those on a placebo.

This study offers reassurance to men with heart disease considering TRT treatment, highlighting its potential safety under medical supervision. 

Ways to Lower Blood Pressure Levels While on TRT

Here are some tips to follow for reducing blood pressure level while on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT):

  1. Maintain a Healthy Diet: Focus on a heart-healthy diet rich in vegetables, whole grains, fruits and lean proteins. Put limitations on saturated fats, cholesterol and sodium. You can consult a nutritionist who can help you to tailor a diet plan according to your needs and preferences.
  1. Monitor Blood Pressure: While you are on TRT, it is important for you to regularly monitor the blood pressure level to avoid the risk of heart diseases. Use home blood pressure monitors to track trends and intervene accurately if there are fluctuations.
  1. Moderate Alcohol Consumptions: During TRT medications, limit your alcohol intake. Always remember excessive alcohol consumption can increase your blood pressure level.
  1. Engage in Regular Exercise: Incorporate at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity like brisk walking or cycling per week, along with strength training exercises twice a week.
  1. Quit Smoking: Smoking significantly increases blood pressure and cardiovascular risks. Quitting smoking during TRT can lead to substantial health improvements.
  1. Practice Stress Management: Opt for yoga, meditation and deep breathing to reduce your stress levels, which can impact your blood pressure level.
  2. Ensure Sufficient Sleep: Always aim for 7-9 hours quality sleep each night to support healthy blood pressure regulation.
  1. Moderate Caffeine Intake: To avoid temporary spikes in blood pressure, limit your caffeine consumption.
  1. Stay Hydrated: To ensure your healthy well-being, it is essential to keep yourself hydrated. Drink at least 8-ounce glasses of water while you’re on TRT.

The Bottom Line

So, TRT treatment provides substantial benefits for those struggling to manage low T. Although concerns about its effects on blood pressure are present, proactive steps can uphold healthy blood pressure levels.

Before you opt for Testosterone Replacement Therapy, ensure thorough assessment by certified physicians in Precision Telemed. Here we streamline online consultation on TRT for men for your convenience.

Here we offer personalized treatment plans according to your medical conditions and health needs. Start with our virtual consultation

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