Around the age of 30, the production of human growth hormone (HGH) starts to decline in both men and women. Sermorelin injection therapy aims to replenish this diminished HGH using a compound known as Sermorelin acetate. Unlike HGH itself, Sermorelin belongs to a class of molecules called growth hormone secretagogues (GSHs), which stimulate the pituitary gland to release GH.

HGH plays a vital role in various bodily functions, affecting growth, metabolism and cell repair. But what happens if you stop taking sermorelin injections? Let’s delve into the blog post to learn more.

What in Sermorelin Treatment and When It Is Used?

Sermorelin injection is used for diagnosing and treating growth issues in children and is sometimes employed off-label to address HGH deficiency in adults. There is also some research suggesting potential benefits in individuals with specific recurrent brain tumors.

Children typically derive the greatest benefit from Sermorelin. An earlier study indicated that daily sermorelin injections increased growth rates in 74% of children within just 6 months.

Research examining sermorelin’s effects in adults is limited, but studies have noted that Sermorelin injections elevate HGH levels in the bloodstream. These findings have led to widespread claims that this injection functions as an anti-aging therapy by restoring natural HGH production in the body. Previous studies suggest that sermorelin may enhance overall well-being, lean body mass, insulin sensitivity and libido.

Check this previous blog about How Long Does It Take for Sermorelin Therapy to Work?.

What are the Key Benefits of Sermorelin Injection Therapy?

Restoring HGH levels offers a multitude of advantages. Declining human growth hormone levels are linked to various aging symptoms including reduced energy, diminished libido, muscle loss, increased body fat, slower metabolism, skin aging sign and more.

Sermorelin therapy effectively addresses these symptoms, with some benefits manifesting sooner than others. While improvements in skin elasticity and tone may take time, increases in energy levels and libido often occur more quickly. Significant changes in body composition can occur even without exercise, though physical activity can enhance outcomes and lead to rapid improvements.

While individual outcomes may vary, clinical research indicates that sermorelin anti-aging recovery treatment can deliver diverse range of physical and mental benefits, such as:

  • Enhanced lean body mass
  • Reduction in body fat
  • Increased energy and vitality
  • Enhanced strength and endurance
  • Improved cardiovascular and immune function
  • Accelerated wound healing
  • Increased bone density
  • Enhanced sleep quality
  • Improved skin quality and higher collagen density

How to Administer Sermorelin Injection?

Sermorelin injections can be self-administered at home without needing to visit a doctor’s clinic. This medication is injected subcutaneously, which means it is injected under the skin.

To ensure cleanliness, wipe the rubber vial stopper with an antiseptic before inserting the needle. Inject into the fatty tissue just beneath the skin, commonly in the abdomen or thigh. To minimize bruising and discomfort, change the injection site. So, before administering the injection, it is advisable to learn the proper technique from a healthcare provider.

What Happens When You Stop Taking Sermorelin Injection?

Imagine someone starts sermorelin anti-aging recovery treatment due to constant fatigue and inability to exercise enough for good health. After a thorough medical evaluation, if a doctor diagnoses growth hormone deficiency in the body, may prescribe injectable HGH.

While you are on HGH treatment, you can experience increased energy levels and return to an active lifestyle, benefitting both mentally and physically.

But if you discontinue Sermorelin therapy, over time, fatigue and weakness may return, impacting fitness and overall well-being. Untreated growth hormone deficiency could be worse, potentially leading to new symptoms. These scenarios illustrate potential outcomes when ceasing growth hormone treatment, which can vary among individuals.

You can also read this blog on Sermorelin Anti-Aging Therapy Vs. HGH Therapy: Which One is Right for You?

What Are the Sermorelin Therapy Withdrawal Symptoms?

Sermorelin therapy withdrawal symptoms can vary depending on the individual and their specific health condition. However, some common withdrawal symptoms may include:

  • Fatigue: One of the most common symptoms, as the body’s energy levels may decrease without the boost from sermorelin.
  • Reduced Libido: A decline in sexual drive or performance may occur.
  • Mood Changes: Individuals might experience mood swings, irritability, or depression.
  • Decreased Muscle Mass: Without sermorelin, maintaining muscle mass can become more challenging, leading to muscle weakness or atrophy.
  • Increased Body Fat: A potential increase in body fat, especially around the abdomen.
  • Sleep Disturbances: Difficulty falling asleep or maintaining a restful sleep pattern.
  • Decreased Stamina: Reduced endurance and overall physical performance.
  • Skin Changes: Potential decline in skin elasticity and tone, making the skin appear older.
  • Weakened Immune Function: Increased susceptibility to illnesses or infections.
  • Bone Density Issues: Over time, there could be a reduction in bone density, increasing the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Slower Metabolism: A decline in metabolic rate, leading to weight gain and other metabolic issues.

So, it is important to note that the severity and presence of these symptoms can vary. Consulting with a healthcare provider before discontinuing sermorelin therapy can help manage these symptoms and ensure a safe and effective transition.

The Bottom Line

Curious what happens when you stop sermorelin injections? Well, it can lead to the returns of symptoms associated with growth hormone deficiency, such as fatigue, muscle loss, reduced libido and increased body fat. The body’s ability to maintain energy levels, muscle mass, and overall vitality may potentially affect your quality of life. 

So, before discontinuing sermorelin anti-aging recovery therapy to effectively manage the withdrawal symptoms, it is crucial to consider healthcare providers from Precision Telemed.

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