Losing weight can be difficult, especially when it comes to weight loss management, even if you’ve diligently followed a diet and exercise plan without seeing significant results. Luckily, new weight loss medications have been introduced that can help you to achieve your weight loss goals. One such medication is Tirzepatide, which has recently received FDA approval for weight loss.

On November 8, 2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Tirzepatide injection for chronic weight management in adult individuals with obesity. Previously, it was approved for managing blood sugar levels in people with type-2 diabetes. 

The recent approval followed two clinical trials that showed this medication led to substantial weight loss compared to control groups receiving a placebo.

Tirzepatide marketed as Zepbound for weight management and Monjouro for blood sugar control, is the active ingredient.

Today in this blog post, we will get a complete overview on Tirzepatide weight loss injection, how it works and is this legally approved for weight management.

What is Tirzepatide?

Tirzepatide is a once-weekly subcutaneous injection. It aids in weight loss by:

  • Stimulating increased insulin secretion
  • Regulating body’s blood sugar levels
  • Boosting levels of adiponectin, a hormone from fat tissue that enhances insulin sensitivity
  • Suppressing appetite

Additionally, Tirzepatide medication functions as a glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), which is known to be the most potent incretin hormone, thereby enhancing insulin secretion.

In a recent clinical trial, Tirzepatide showed significantly greater weight loss compared to a placebo over a 72-week period. Participants using this injection drug lost up to 15.7% of their body weight, with a substantial portion achieving at least 5% reduction in body weight.

Participants also showed improvement in various cardiometabolic measures, including waist circumference, systolic and diastolic blood pressure and lipid levels. Another study focused on individuals with Type  Diabetes revealed that participants lost an average of lbs (kg) after 28 weeks of treatment with this injectable drug.

To learn more, check out our previous blog on “How Tirzepatide Works for Weight Loss Management

How Long Does Tirzepatide Medication Take to Start Working?

Following the initial injection, Tirzepatide generally starts affecting the body’s insulin production and blood sugar levels. It enters the bloodstream rapidly, typically within 24 hours of administration.

On average, this injectable drug levels in the bloodstream stabilize after 4 doses over a month’s time.

Many patients notice reduced appetite shortly after their first injection, though individual responses may vary. Weight loss progresses steadily over an extended period, often spanning a year or longer in Tirzepatide weight loss plans.

This is administered incrementally, with doses gradually increased to allow the body to adopt. Higher Tirzepatide doses generally result in greater weight loss. Patients typically achieve optimal outcomes once they reach their maximum maintenance dose, although some individuals may find successful results with lower doses.

Tirzepatide Weekly Dose:

  • 5 mg- 15.0% reduction in body weight
  • 10 mg- 19.5% reduction in body weight
  • 15 mg- 20.9% reduction in body weight
  • 0 mg (Placebo)- 3.1% reduction in body weight

Who Should Avoid Tirzepatide?

Tirzepatide medication is suitable for most individuals seeking pharmaceutical assistance for weight loss. However, there are specific conditions and circumstances where this medication may not be appropriate, including:

  • Personals or family history of medullary thyroid carcinoma
  • Patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2
  • Known severe hypersensitivity reactions to Tirzepatide
  • Women who are pregnant, nursing or trying to conceive
  • Patients currently using another GLP-1 agonist such as Semaglutide or Liraglutide
  • Patients diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Additionally, Tirzepatide has not been studied in individuals with a history of pancreatitis. If pancreatitis is suspected, the patients should discontinue the medication immediately.

Common side effects associated with Tirzepatide Injection are generally mild and primarily involve gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, abdominal pain and decreased appetite. To address these symptoms, it is essential to consult with a qualified healthcare provider.

For more information you can also check out this blog on Weight Loss Injections Tirzepatide vs Semaglutide: Which One is Better for You?.

Ready to Achieve Your Weight Loss Goal?

When you’re planning to shed extra pounds, get compounded Tirzepatide injections delivered to your doorstep with Precision Telemed. We offer personalized Tirzepatide weight loss management programs at affordable prices. 

Our process is simple, just visit our website, fill out our online medical form. After reviewing your information, our licensed physicians provide a virtual appointment at your scheduled time. During that consultation, we will help you to choose the right medication plan for you.

Let’s check out our weight loss plans and book your consultation today.

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