Online TRT Clinic Treatment

About Us

Achieve a Healthier Lifestyle with a Personalized Weight Management Solution


About Precision Telemed

Struggling in your weight management journey? We understand that maintaining your weight on your own can be quite challenging. The process involves improving your daily eating habits and managing daily exercises and more, which is not so easy. But don’t worry! We are here to guide you.

Welcome to Precision Telemed! 

We are here to offer you a customized, data-driven weight loss, TRT, and Sermorelin programs specially designed to transform your well-being. Our innovative weight loss program incorporates compounded GLP-1s, a powerful medication that helps you in the fight against obesity.

Over the years, we have specialized in crafting weight loss programs, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), anti-aging programs according to individual needs. Our tailored weight loss plans are personalized to your body type, lifestyle and preferences.

We leverage the latest doctor-guided support to ensure the most effective and dramatic weight loss. Our healthcare consultants are available over video or phone calls and stay connected with you to guide at every step of your weight management journey.

Ready to take a leap? Get in touch with us and start your journey of discovering a new you.


Our team

Our team

J. P. Rius

J. P. Rius

Chief Executive Officer
Carlos Cordero

Carlos Cordero

Chief Marketing Officer

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Start your journey with Personalized Weight Management Program

Get a comprehensive weight management treatment plan at your fingertips.


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Who can use Precision Telemed?

Precision Telemed works with people interested in telehealth services for specific conditions. Adults 18 to 65 looking to lose weight. Adults aged 30-50 looking to achieve hormone replacement therapy, gain muscle or look and feel better. Here’s a breakdown based on their services:

  • Weight Loss: Precision Telemed caters to individuals seeking help with weight management.
  • Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT):   Men experiencing symptoms of testosterone deficiency, which should be confirmed through consultations with their healthcare providers.
  • Anti-Aging: Individuals seeking to manage the effects of aging and improve their overall well-being. It’s important to note that consulting a doctor is advisable before starting any anti-aging program.

Our membership prices include the price of medication, labs, and consults. There are no hidden fees!

Precision Telemed offers their services through monthly program plans. This means you’ll be charged on a monthly basis for the program you choose (weight loss, TRT, anti-aging).

Still have a question?

If you have any further queries regarding our programs, get in touch with our experts.